日本財団 図書館


Antiprotozoal agents
Combined drugs
Fansidar (Sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine tablets)
Fansidar is used for the treatment (and prevention) of malaria.
Indication: Treatment (and prevention) of malaria.
Dosage: Treatment: A total dose of 3 tablets is given as 2 tablets on day 1 and 1 tablet on day 2.
Prevention: A weekly dose of 1 tablet while at anchor in a region where malaria is endemic and for 2-4 weeks after departure.
Precautions: Fansidar may cause skin rashes, urticaria, itching, nausea, vomiting, glossitis, stomatitis diarrhea, headache, and insomnia.
Storage: At room temperature.
(Note) The WHO does not recommend use of Fansidar for malaria prophylaxis.


Combantrin (Pyrantel pamoate tablets 100 mg)
Pyrantel pamoate paralyzes parasites and causes them to be excreted with feces.
Indications: Eradication of pinworms, ascarids, hookworms, and oriental bankrupt worms.
Dosage: 5 tablets at any time independent of meals. Concomitant use of cathartics is not required.
Precautions: Pyrantel pamoate may cause abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, headache, and dizziness.
Storage: Protected from light at room temperature.


1. Iniections can be only given under the direction of health care professionals (including direction through Radio Medical Communications).
2. The health supervisor on board are permitted to administer iniections via the subcutaneous or intramuscular route but must not administer intravenous iniections.
3. When any life-threatening condition requires emergency care, parenteral therapy may be given without prior consultation of health care professionals. Even in such cases, the professionals' should be consulted after giving the parenteral therapy.


Phenobal (Phenobarbital sodium injection (100 mg 1 ml ampule))
Phenobarbital sodium has a potent and sustained hypnotic effect as well as anticonvulsant and sedative effects. Since it induces dependence, chronic use should be avoided.
Indications: Anxiety and excitement following cerebral hemorrhage, hematemesis, and hemoptysis. Epileptic seizures.
Dosage: 50-100mg (1/2-1 ampule) once to twice daily via the subcutaneous or intramuscular route.
Storage: Protected from light at room temperature.(Note)10 % 1ml=100mg


Antipyretics/analgesics/anti-inflammatory agents
?@Pentagin (Pentazocine injection 15 mg 1 ml ampule)
?ASosegon (Pentazocine injection 15 mg 1 ml ampule)
Pentazocine blocks the sensory tract in the central nervous system and thereby causes analgesia. Its analgesic effect develops within 15-20 minutes and lasts for 2-3 hours.
Indications: Relief of severe pain associated with acute myocardial infarction or other conditions.
Dosage: ?@?A 15 mg (1 ampule) via the subcutaneous or intramuscular route.
Precautions: 1 Pentazocine may cause dizziness, light-headedness, nausea, dyspnea, hallucinations, discomfort, and a refreshed feeling.
2 Pentazocine should only be used under the direction of health care professionals. The above-mentioned indication and dosage should be followed strictly when the drug is used for emergency care without prior consultation with health care professionals.
3 Chronic use of the drug may cause dependence and should therefore be avoided.
4 Patients should always rest in bed after receiving the drug.
5 It dyspnea occurs, a respiratory stimulant (intramuscular dimorpholamine) should be administered in combination with inhalation of oxygen.
6 According to the package insert for the drug, pentazocine may be used for the relief of pain associated with various malignancies, urinary calculus, and peptic ulcer as well as postoperative pain. However, an antispasmodic (an oral. injectable, or supoository preparation) should be used instead of pentazocine for pain associated with urinary calculus and peptic ulcer, while an oral or suppository oreparation of another analgesic should be used for pain associated with wounds (e.g.. sprains. fractures. and burns).
Storage: Protected from light at room temperature. Strict precautions against theft must be taken.




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